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Social-emotional learning (SEL) in first grade is incredibly important, and programs like the Open Circle Curriculum and GoZen bring this to life in a warm and engaging way. The Open Circle Curriculum helps children learn how to build friendships and communicate kindly, while GoZen uses fun activities to teach them about handling stress and bouncing back from challenges. Together, these programs create a nurturing classroom environment where kids feel understood and supported. They learn to understand their own feelings, show empathy for others, and develop the social skills that are so important for both their academic journey and personal growth.

Mrs. Mason reads
Captain Snout and the Super Power Questions

It explains how Automatic Negative Thoughts (ANTs) “pop into our brains uninvited, making us feel mad, sad, worried, or upset…  And most of the time, they’re not even true!”  The book then talks about 5 different Automatic Negative Thoughts (ANTs) and how to get rid of them.


Social-Emotional Learning (SEL)

The Story of the Warm and Fuzzies

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